云享甘肃 陇原食韵发表时间:2020-07-30 14:35 Here we are in Northwest China, Gansu Province open arms to the world, Are you ready to go? 古郡陇西,地处甘肃省中部,因位陇山以西而得名。陇西历史悠久,文化内涵丰富,孕育了独特的传统饮食文化,其中具有代表的陇西腊肉系列肉制品,风味独特,肥而不腻、瘦而不柴、咸淡适中、腊香悠长,具有地道的西北人喜欢的肉制品的风味,众口皆宜。 The historic town of Longxi is situated in the middle part of Gansu Province, on the west side of Longshan Mountain, from which it’s named by. Longxi boasts time-honored history, enchanting cultural heritage and traditional cuisine. One of the best-selling foods is Longxi bacon, savored by Northwest people both young and old. It is fatty but not greasy, neither chewy nor salty, and with a long aftertaste. 甘肃地域跨度大,气候、环境多样,孕育出了品种繁多的土特产品,如:兰州三泡台、兰州百合、苦水玫瑰、敦煌李广杏、瓜州蜜瓜、武都花椒、甘谷辣椒、康县木耳等,陇西黄芪、渭源党参、岷县当归、酒泉锁阳更被誉为“陇原四宝”,有极好的药用保健功效。 As Gansu has a vast land, covering various climate and environmental areas, in the province are produced high quality vegetables and fruits but also gourmet food, such as eight treasure tea, Lanzhou lily, Kushui dried rose, Dunhuang apricot, Guazhou honeydew melon, Wudu pepper, Gangu chili, Kangxian fungus and lot more. Gansu is also famous for its medical herbs, among them four varieties being widely recognized for their healthcare effectiveness: astragalus membranaceus grown in Longxi, Dangshen in Weiyuan, Chinses angelica in Minxian and cynomoriumsongaricum in Jiuquan. 下一篇兰州黄河桥梁博物馆